My research promotes a greater understanding of racial/ethnic disparities in cities and contributes to active discourse in the field on how to work with diverse publics, including immigrants, Asian Americans, and other racialized populations. My interdisciplinary research focuses on (1) residential segregation and disparities in housing, community development, and wealth. Given the importance of nonprofits and community organizations as first responders in underserved populations, my research (2) clarifies their roles in promoting socioeconomic mobility and organizational impacts during times of upheaval. Finally, I research (3) racial equity in planning practice and education, both in the classroom and among practitioners. This body of research includes recommendations on how to work with Asian Americans, hiring practices, and data collection efforts.
Below are selected articles . The full list of publications is available on my CV or google scholar.
Housing, Residential Segregation, Lending:
Do Comprehensive Plans Plan for Anti-Displacement? An Analysis of Four Regions Experiencing Gentrification. (2024) Planning Practice and Research. with Silvia R. Gonzalez and Victor Tran.
Affordable housing through Community Land Trusts (CLTs): Examining factors associated with the number of units in CLTs. (2024) Housing Policy Debate. with Shakil Kashem and Dwayne Baker. Database available online.
Fintech’s Relationship with Subprime Lending in Immigrant Gateway Metropolitan Areas. (2022) Journal of Urban Affairs, 46(2), 281-297. with Tyler Haupert.
“Working towards a Better Future for Ourselves”: Neighborhood Choice of Middle-Class Latino and Asian Homeowners in Los Angeles. (2021) Journal of Urban Affairs, 43(7), 941-959.
Impacts of Multi-Scale Racial Concentration on Neighborhood Foreclosure Risk in Immigrant Gateway Metropolitan Areas. (2020) City & Community, 19(2), 352-373. with Andrew J. Greenlee.
Heterogeneity in Income: Effects of Racial Concentration on Foreclosures in Los Angeles. (2018) Housing Policy Debate, 28(6), 940-962.
Loss in Translation: Housing Agency Segmentation in the Twin Cities. (2015) AAPI Nexus Journal, 13(1-2), 206-229.
Nonprofit Activism and Organizational Issues:
Practitioner Perceptions of City-Subcontracted Community Organizing: An Exploratory Story in Oklahoma City. (2024) Journal of the American Planning Association. with John C. Harris.
Outsourcing Neighborhood Planning Processes?: A Case Study of a Nonprofit in the City of Oklahoma City. (2022). Journal of Planning Education and Research. with John C. Harris.
Evolving Activism in an Anti-Immigrant Administration: Asian American and Pacific Islander Nonprofit Experiences after the 2016 Elections. (2021) Amerasia Journal, 46(3), 346-362.
Engaging Non-Citizens in an Age of Uncertainty: Lessons from Immigrant-Serving Nonprofits in Los Angeles County. (2019) Journal of the American Planning Association, 85(3), 271-286.
Let's Get Along: Strengthening Academic-Nonprofit Partnerships in Research. (2018-2019) AAPI Nexus Journal, 16(1-2), 85-110. with R. Varisa Patraporn.
On the Front Lines of Immigrant Homeownership: Asian American Nonprofits during the Great Recession. (2017) Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, 46(6), 1209-1230. with Karna C. Wong and Deirdre Pfeiffer.
Racial Equity and Transformation in Planning Practice & Education:
The Role of Police Perception in Shaping Public Meeting Attendance and Implications for Planners. (2024) Journal of Planning Education and Research. with John Kuk.
Who Gets Hired at the Top?: The Academic Caste System Theory in the Planning Academy. (2022) Journal of Planning Education and Research.
A Typology of Local and State Government Responses to Racism: A Case of Anti-Asian Hate in the COVID-19 Pandemic. (2022) Journal of Planning Education and Research. with John C. Arroyo.
Learning from Asian Americans: Implications for Planning. (2024) Journal of Planning Education and Research, 44(2), 535-540. with Nina Flores and Laureen D. Hom.
Beyond Recruitment: Comparing Experiences of Climate and Diversity between International Students and Domestic Students of Color in U.S. Urban Planning Programs. (2020) Journal of Planning Education and Research, 43(3), 455-461. with Ben Chrisinger, Andrew J. Greenlee, Ivis Garcia, and April Jackson.
Where are We Going? Where have We Been?: The Climate for Diversity within Urban Planning Educational Programs. (2018) Journal of Planning Education and Research, 42(3), 331-349. with Andrew J. Greenlee, April Jackson, Ivis Garcia, and Ben Chrisinger.
Beyond the “Haves and Have-Nots”: Using an Interdisciplinary Approach to Inform Federal Data Collection Efforts of Indigenous Populations. (2017) The International Indigenous Policy Journal, 8(4).